Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina--Pictures, Thoughts and Rants on a Deadly Killer!

These are pictures I've taken out and about in Ocean Springs, MS. No pictures are "borrowed" from the web. I have sent some pics in to the local newspaper via e-mail for publication, but all of these photos were TAKEN BY ME PERSONALLY, unless otherwise noted. I've lived in OS all of my life, and these are the first scenes I captured when I returned from Tallahassee, FL after Fleeing Hurricane Katrina. Come back often, as I have over 70 photos, that need to be uploaded!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

New Pictures taken from the Imperial Palace Casino on Back Bay Biloxi

My sister just sent me these photos in an e-mail. She said that a classmate of hers sent them to her. I haven't seen these photos yet, so I thought I'd add them to my blog. Please understand that I DID NOT TAKE THESE PHOTOS!!! Remember that you can DOUBLE CLICK on any photo to enlarge it for a closer look!!! Enjoy!!!

Fishing Pier (The Old Biloxi Bridge) – the water is usually about 20 feet below the pier.

These are homes across the street from the Imperial Palace…

More from across the street.

This was taken as the storm changed direction and the water tidal surge was starting to move out.

These are several hundred year old trees (Live Oaks), and the tops of a few Palm Trees that “adorn” the entrance to the Imperial Palace.

Just another one…Tidal Surge

Friday, February 03, 2006

A Couple New Pics

My husband sent me these first two pictures. The others are pictures that I took on September 17th, but I thought they were worthy of repeating!

This is HWY 603 in Bay St. Louis, MS and as you can tell, it has what I would guess to be around 5 feet or more of water across the roadway. Look at the lightpoles and see how high up the poles the water is!

This photo is said to be taken from St. Stanislus High School. The boys from the International Dorm did not evacuate...and had at some point (it's said shortly after this photo was taken) to move to higher ground. The International Dorm faces the Beachfront. You can see the waves rolling in over the Beachfront drive...but more incrdibly...look further out into the Gulf at the height of the waves coming in behind! It's sort of hazy, but you can see a VERY high wall of water! I've heard that the Brothers and the boys moved up to the 2nd floor of the Dorm and waited it out there! Can you imagine the horror! There was a few angels watching over them I think!!

I took this picture on 9/17. It's a picture of the International Students Dorm that faces the Beachfront. Just to give you a perspective of where it's reported the above picture was taken from!

I also took this picture on 9/17. It's a picture that I call "Walk to Nowhere". The Walkway went from the St. Stanislaus Campus to the beach. But as you can see, Katrina took care in making sure that no one would be making that walk for a long while!

Another photo I took on 9/17. This is the Church that is next door to St. Stanislaus...Our Lady of the Gulf (OLG). It sits on the Beachfront. It's a beautiful Historic old Church. Though you can't tell in this photo, the entire roof is gone!

This is the rectory (the priest's house) for the church above! Not much left, eh? Sad, just really really sad! Photo taken by me on 9/17.